Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Surprising benefits of standing and puttering around more

There's an interesting study out that claims there is a significant health benefit from simply standing up a puttering around more. Apparently when we remain sitting for long periods of time, important parts of our metabolism system pretty much shut down. Getting up and walking around exercises the big muscles in our legs and backs enough to produce a significant change. It seems that this should apply even if you exercise regularly at a gym but work in an office environment during the day.

So I'll give this try for a while. That means I'll try to establish a habit of standing up and talking a walking break every 30 minutes or so. At my office I can even use the stairs to get a little more intense activity for my legs. And although the article doesn't say this, I suspect that the time right after meals is particularly important. So a nice walk after lunch is also something I'll try to work into my routine too.

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