Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Observations After 2 Months of Unemployment

I recently passed the 2 month mark of being unemployed. Some observations:

The job market doesn't look bad. Every week I come across multiple new job postings that are very appealing and for which I consider myself very highly qualified. The unsettling part is that I continue to get no responses after applying for them. In some cases I know that's because I'm one of several hundred people that apply, and I'm not one of the few chosen to be interviewed. In other cases the company with the job opening will collect resumes for several weeks before contacting anyone, so I just need to be patient. I'm still in a position where the wait is not causing financial problems, but I really feel for those who are in a more desperate situation with few skills to rely on.

I continue with about the same work around the house, volunteer work, and other outside interests that I used to have. I have no idea how I actually did all of this when I was working though. I feel just as busy as ever, even without taking on any major new efforts. Being busy is good, but it doesn't leave the time for deep reflection.

My wife and I really pulled together in our relationship to get through this, and she's been very supportive. It does start taking a toll on your relationship after a while though. I'm sure the number of broken families will rise noticeably due to this financial transition we're going through. That's a cost that doesn't get figured into the normal accounting procedures.

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