Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bye to Rush and Sean

Day #5 of the new world - next in an ongoing series of thoughts on how to make the Nov 4th election transformative on a personal level (it's already transformative on a national level)

A confession - I used to occasionally listen to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity out of curiosity just to see what they're saying. I know a very progressive friend who listened to them for several hours on the day before and the day of the election. He has more strength and stamina than I do.

I have decided to end this practice now. I get essentially no real benefit for the time I spend on it. I find it somewhat toxic to my spirit and emotional well being. And most importantly, unless they change their divisive and polarizing ways, they no longer have any relevance to what direction this country will decide to take. Well, at least that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

I want to point out that they've also come under criticism from Daniel Larison of the American Conservative:

... that audience is part of what’s wrong with the Republican Party. Part of what has been wrong with the GOP is that its rank-and-file members take their political advice and insights from radio entertainers who seem to understand little about political reality and even less about policy, and who substitute bluster for understanding....

Goodbye to hate radio, and on to more nurishing uses of my time.

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