Saturday, September 15, 2007

Am I wasting my time?

I recently read a book by Alan Lakein titled How to Get Control of your Time and You Life. I don't know how long it's been laying around the house, but the paperback version cost $1.95 new, so it must have been there quite a while.

The book emphasizes the need to focus on the truly important tasks and not let your time get taken over by less meaningful ones. One of the interesting pieces of advice I wrote down was:
Every time you find yourself working on an old or unimportant project, tell yourself “I’m wasting my time”. Do this often during the day if necessary.

Now here's a situation that brought up some interesting questions about applying this. This week while working from home, I found myself watching the Congressional testimony of General Petraeus on the progress of the Iraq surge. On one hand I'm a very strong advocate of insisting that citizens of our democracy need to make a real effort to keep informed on the important political events of the day. And the future of the Iraq occupation is right up there near the top of the list of important topics. However, given the amount of time that it would have taken to watch (and really pay attention) to all of the testimony, would it really have been better to read summaries of it in the paper, or catch the review of it on PBS later that evening?

In the end I decided, with some regret, that watching the live testimony and paying close attention to it was not the best use of my time. This is not meant to be a commentary on the quality of the questions and answers (though it could be). It's just that you need to accept the fact that you cannot do everything you want to do, and some activities though well meaning, are effectively wasting your time.


Anonymous said...

After entering "Am I wasting my time" in google, I came across your post and found it interesting. I AM wasting my time on a few things in my life, actually I'm starting to think that I've wasted my twenties and particularly 4 years of my life serving and helping someone achieve all their goals without even starting my own. I only realised this the other day and it's a little bit scary, actually thinking that I've wasted four years and now that I know this I think I should do something about it and "STOP Wasting My Time!" but it's hard to step out of the cycle. I liked your post, it was good. Made me think - thanks.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I can't stop thinking about your post and so I had a look around your site. I'm not 50, actually, I'm 27 years old but I am at a turning point in my life. I am frustrated with working hard on myself and working hard at my job so that someone else can achieve their goals. My partner (boyfriend - we have been together for 6 years) owns a business that I work in but I have realised that he only cares about achieving his goals, he says that if he achieves his goal then that will pay for my goals but you know what frustrates me is that he is putting his goal before my goal, and for me, a goal is not about the end result, it's about the journey and what you learn along the way. My partner appears to think that his goals are more important than mine and in the current situation with all the focus and attention on his goals, there is no time (or money) for my goals. It has been this way for 4 years and I don't think it will ever change. I am thinking of leaving him and the business and putting all my effort and time in achieving what I want. We have a great relationship but we just can't seem to get it right when it comes to our goals and I think because we are not married we perhaps struggle in achieving a unified vision. Maybe I'm not aggressive enough or perhaps I should force my goals more but I am thinking that I might just leave and put my energy into something that I will personally benefit from. I listened to a cd by Earl Shoaff the other day, it was awesome, it was about goals and achieving them and right now I can't help thinking How much longer should I stick it out for?? How much longer should I "tend the field" with little to no reward?? 4 years is a long time to be doing the wrong plan. Sorry to rave, but you seem like a wise fellow, and so I welcome any advice or feedback you may have about my situation. Cheers

Mike Ignatowski said...

Samara, I appologize for not responding right away – my life has been a little hectic these past 2 weeks. I apparently need to pay more attention to people writing comments to my blog :-) It was interesting to hear how you stumbled onto this blog through google. And thanks to the pointer on Earl Shoaff. I’ll have to check this out more before commenting on him.

I liked you comment about the importance of “the journey and what you learn along the way”. That seems to be what supportive relationships are mainly about. It also seems that a relationship where only one person gets to pursue their goals is not a healthy one. There needs to be some balance here for the sake of your spirit and to keep everyone sane, whether you’re married or not. I have some personal goals, my wife has some of her own, and we have some joint goals. It’s interesting now that I think about it, but we haven’t really done much to talk about or articulate the joint goals – they’re just there as a common set of interests and visions. We probably should talk about them more though.

Have you talked to your partner about these concerns? I know that when I’m intensely focused on getting something accomplished, especially when a level of frustration sets in, I can become blinded to all other concerns. It’s a fault I have, as do many people who are capable of intense focus on an activity. At these times my wife needs to remind me of the other important aspects of life (hopefully in a calm sensitive but firm manner).

Thanks again for posting your interesting comments. I hope some of this helps a little.
- Mike Ignatowski

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Anonymous said...


I too stumbled upon your post and I like that I did not feel stupid in wanting to know whether I am wasting my time. So I googled that very question and see that others are wanting answers too.

I am starting to work too hard for others again and not reach my goals I set out for myself. The only reason of course is taking on a job is faster income at the moment than waiting to build up your own success. I keep telling myself this and I have not listening. I had to sit myself down because the direction is not making me happy. I have things that I like in my life already and started add things that are only taking up time.

Thanks for your blog, it helped to reset my mind. I will cut the other things out and go back to zero and build up again!

Anonymous said...

Damn, rather interesting info. Where will I find your subscription?

Kate Watcerson
rf scrambler